Who we are

There is an unique community of people in Redmond
- It’s a community where people gather for worship, learning, and fellowship.
- It’s a community where people believe that the promises of God in Jesus Christ bind them together.
- It’s a community where people care for each other and their neighbors.
- It’s a community where people are equipped to live their faith 7 days a week.
- It’s a community where people of all ages are valued and respected, from the very young to the “well seasoned.”
- It’s a community which has a long history of providing quality preschool education through its Early Childhood Center.
This is the community of Faith Lutheran Church.
Faith Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation
Faith Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) partner congregation. We embrace our commitment as an RIC to partner to “ensure welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; work for racial equity and commit to anti-racist work.” We are open to calling LGBTQIA+ or BIPOC rostered leaders, allow sanctuary/community space to be used for LGBTQIA+ weddings and blessings, and committed to make a meaningful annual contribution to support the national RIC program.
As we learn and grow in our journey to fully live into Christ’s radical love, Faith Lutheran Church has adopted the following welcome statement:

We welcome all because God loves and welcomes all. We welcome people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. We welcome all people who may have been excluded because of human distinctions such as race, ethnicity, ability, addiction, physical or mental health, age, socioeconomic status, or anything else that too often divides us. We commit ourselves to the work of anti-racism in institutions and internally. We welcome and continue to affirm all who are seeking God’s love and grace. Our unity is in Christ.
Land acknowledgement
Faith Lutheran Church and School acknowledge that we are on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who continue to steward this land—the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands. We are committed to doing our part to engage with, and amplify the voices of, Native peoples and tribes who actively create, shape, and contribute to our thriving communities.