Faith Formation
Grow your Faith
People of Faith engage in having their faith formed in many different ways. Somewhere on this list is a place for you to enter into the journey of faith exploration.
Adult education, Sunday, 10:45 – 11:30 AM
Sunday mornings during the academic year there is often an opportunity for learning and discussion. This may be a bible study, a book study or an exploration of a topic.
Sunday School
We are also part of a collaborative youth ministry known as Eastside Lutheran Fellowship (ELF). Please also join us for one their events
Join a Circle
Faith has two women’s Circles, the Naomi-Rachel Circle and the Deborah Circle, which meet regularly for fellowship, service, and learning. Rooted in tradition, Circles remain a vital way for women to engage in the church’s mission, even as their roles have expanded in the ELCA.
Naomi-Rachel Circle
The Naomi-Rachel Circle meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month from September through June. They use a study book based on Biblical teachings and answer questions from a study guide, allowing for discussion, sharing, and fellowship. Meetings are in the Fellowship Hall at noon; coffee and refreshments are provided. Luncheons are planned in December and June, which gives an opportunity to invite newcomers to Faith.
Deborah Circle
You are welcome to join either of the Circles!