Welcome back to worship at Faith Lutheran Church
Here are a few things you’ll need to know as we gather inside for worship.
Feeling sick
Please self-screen, noting any COVID symptoms that you or a family member may be experiencing. If you or a family member at your home are feeling sick, or have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, please stay home. Worship is available online or by dial-in.
Everything you will need to worship is included in a printed bulletin. Although Bibles and hymnals have been left in the pews, you won’t be needing them. The order of worship will not be projected on the screen.
Masks are welcome but not required
Holy Communion
Holy communion is served for those who desire to come forward. We also have pre-packaged wafers and juice available for those who prefer to remain seated. Gluten free wafers are also available on request. All are welcome.
Please sing to your heart’s content, with or without a mask.
Plates will be set out at the back of the sanctuary and in the Narthex. Please place any gifts you bring in the plates. No offering plates will be passed around during worship. Giving electronically is available through the website, under “Give.”
Worship streaming, recording, and dial-in
The worship service will be recorded to be viewed anytime on our or YouTube channel. Live streaming will also occur on Sunday mornings in our Youtube channel as well as the dial-in option for audio (425-535-9449)
Nursery space is available for parents and children. Parents and children are also welcome to worship with us. Some activities are available for children, please ask the ushers.