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Join us for worship.

We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.

If you prefer to join us in worship remotely, you can join in by dialing on your phone (425) 535-9449 or watching us live on Youtube

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At Faith, worship is at the very heart of our life together.

Each week, with the whole Christian church, we GATHER around God’s WORD—proclaimed through reading, preaching, singing, and prayer.  We are fed at the holy MEAL, where all are invited to feast on the bread of life and cup of salvation.

The WORD and MEAL strengthen and sustain us as we are SENT out in mission.  This pattern of GATHER, WORD, MEAL, SEND, embraces ancient patterns that have fed Christians for centuries.

What to expect during  Worship

We worship in a liturgical (ordered) format, using different musical settings and different spoken liturgies.  Our worship is influenced by Lutheran tradition.  In part, this means we hear God’s word as both law and gospel, reminding us that we all know sin and brokenness, and God’s unfailing love and forgiveness still embrace us, no matter what.

Music is an important part of the Lutheran tradition.  Sunday worship is accompanied by our beautiful organ, played by our talented Director of Music Ministries.  Our hymns and songs come from a variety of musical traditions.  Piano often accompanies our vocal choir (Chanel Choir).  The Bell Choir shares their gift of music in worship usually once a month.  To learn more about our music ministries, please reach out to Dr. William Bryant.

There is a Prayer Station in the front of the sanctuary where you are invited to pause, breathe in the peace of Christ, offer your prayers, and light a candle.

Children are always welcome in worship.  We have an area in the sanctuary with small tables and stools for families, if desired.  The nursery is also open for children and their caregiver each week.  Sunday School is usually offered once a month.

We strive to make our worship service accessible to all.  The bulletin provides the order for service, hymn numbers, scripture readings, and announcements about various activities at Faith.  For those who desire, gluten-free crackers are available for Holy Communion, as well as grape juice instead of wine. There are hearing devices for added audio support. Our space is wheelchair accessible.  Most importantly, our ushers are here to joyfully help worshippers each week.

After worship, please stay and join us for food, coffee / tea and fellowship!

Worship Services

Learn more about our worship services

9:30 AM Sundays

This is an organ-and-piano-led service of Holy Communion, using the historic Lutheran order for worship; most usually, from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal. We sing a combination of treasured and newer hymns and songs.

The Faith Chancel Choir and Bell Choir are a regular part of worship September – May. Additionally, brass and a variety of instrumentalists and soloists enhance worship seasonally.

Midweek worship

Midweek worship is scheduled seasonally (Advent and Lent).  Please check the church calendar under the “Events” tab for exact times and dates.